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Our Vision


Our success is 100% dependent on our ability and willingness to consistently serve our customers, above and beyond the call.  In addition to day-to-day questions and troubleshooting, we are committed to keeping our clients up to date on all compliance, security safeguards, and best practices.  We envision long-lasting, reliable and powerful alliances with our clients and partners, always helping control costs, while expanding their market share.




Our History


Drawing upon years of experience building and managing teams for a top 10 bank-owned U.S. processor, Richard Semaan formed Integrated Merchant Alliance, Inc. in 2003.  Originally registered and aligned under the Chase/Paymentech partnership, the company added several processing platforms and strategic partnerships while establishing a national presence.  Continuing to evolve with the ever-changing marketplace, IMA has become a premier business solutions consulting firm offering multiple business services and products to clients of all types and sizes.





Our Philosophy


Our clients and their customers can rely on us to keep their information safe and secure while we help them manage their data effectively.  Underlying all that we do as a company remains our strong and original belief - that we will only be successful as the clients we serve thrive.

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